Tips on Choosing a Cough

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Before determining what cough medicines are to be used, it must first be recognized by the type of cough. It is important that drugs consumed are not wrong. If a person has a cough with phlegm, which should be taken is a cough expectorant. Drugs of this type of stone that serves to suppress sputum get out. So, do not choose a function antitussive cough medicines suppress the cough. Because if you eat antitussive cough phlegm types actually can not get out, can even cause lung infections. Conversely, patients with dry cough should choose antitussive cough. If he drank cough expectorant, cough it will not heal, can even lead to coughing up blood. Dose of the drug should also be considered. The appropriate dose according to the rule would facilitate the healing of disease. Conversely, if the lack of or excessive doses, can cough does not go away. Today many cough medicines circulating in the market. For that, there are several things to consider in choosing a cough medicine as follows: 1. Choose a cough specific components. Today many cough medicines that contain an expectorant to break up mucus but also to suppress the cough. Cough medicine will be effective if the specific usefulness. 2. Choose a cough medicine that has side effects as small as possible. It is important to reduce the risk of unwanted side effects for long term use. 3. If you want to use long-term, large packs of cough medicine could be an option. That must be considered is the dosage should be appropriate, especially for children. 4. Note the expiration date listed on the package of cough medicine. This date shows up when drugs are consumed to relieve cough effectively. 5. Choose a cough medicine that has a registration number from the Ministry of Health (MOH) because it showed that the cough medicine has been approved by the Ministry of Health to the market
More aboutTips on Choosing a Cough

Vomiting When Coughing

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 24, 2013

My children boy aged 1 year and 11 months. Currently his BB 14 kg with TB 95 cm. He has a habit of throwing up easily when choking or coughing slightly. I had a consultation with a doctor. He told my son allergic protein contained in cow's milk are at komsumsinya. Doctors need to know, my son stopped drinking milk from the age of 1 year 3 months (stops himself). He loves instant milk and less likely to eat.

Since the age of 6 months (when I started giving soft foods), she was so easy to nausea and vomiting. Another doctor said my son has a very sensitive throat. Even a friend who said my son had indigestion. I'm afraid this will continue until he entered school age. I wanted to ask, exactly what causes nausea and vomiting it easy? What should I do after she vomited? Thank you for your reply Doctor.

Nurmala - Jakarta

There are several possible causes. Among the stomach into the esophagus valve not functioning properly so that the contents of the stomach easily get out again. Another possibility is sensitive throat. There are some children who are so sensitive that when the toothbrush and toothpaste swallowing a little she would vomit.

Usually this condition will dwindle with age. Try not to eat too much at once which will facilitate much guts out. Provide food in small portions but often. Seeing his BB is more for his age, it seems that this condition does not interfere with its growth.
More aboutVomiting When Coughing

If the child Prolonged Cough

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Starting from fever and cough common cold. Uh, anyway, long and strong cough continuously. As relentlessly.

What a pity to see your child cough like that. Continuously, as there was no respite. The little almost hard to sleep, because the cough a great disturbance. And the sound of the cough is very distinctive. Usually 5-10 times stronger cough, and then heard the sound of screeching.

Cough this one was kind of stubborn. The medical world calls the whooping cough / pertussis or kinkhoest (Dutch, Ed.). We often call it the hundred-day cough. "Not that period of a hundred days cough, lo. Said that because it coughs in a long time. Could be 6-8 weeks or up to 3 months," said Dr. Najib Advani, Spak. MMed. Paed, from Cipto Mangunkusumo.

Why the hell is so stubborn cough? To note, pertussis epidemic has existed since the 16th century. However, germs cause, Bordetella pertussis, recently discovered around 1906 by Bordet and Gengou. And in developing countries the disease has become one of the biggest causes of illness and death in children.


Whooping cough is easy to arise, spread and are also contagious. Especially in dense housing and slums, inadequate in terms of hygiene. Mode of transmission, bright Najib, either through air containing pertussis germs are then inhaled. Germs-bacteria will perch on the vibrating hairs in the mucus lining the airways. And pertussis bacteria that produces toxins will spread through the bloodstream to other body parts.

Whooping cough can be transmitted from an adult or child in the neighborhood. "Maybe, whooping cough in adults is not so heavy, but the weight of so infectious to be a child."

The incubation period for whooping cough begins from the entry of the bacteria until symptoms of the disease. The length ranges from 6-20 days. "Usually about seven days."

Whooping cough is divided into three stages. Early stage / katarhalis, duration of 1-2 weeks. The second stage / paroxysmal, duration of 2-4 weeks. Third, the stadium repair / convalescent, duration 1-2 weeks.

Sometimes, in certain cases, was so strong until the child can cough vomiting, and watery red eyes, red face due to straining cough, breathing difficulty that children face looks bluish. In fact, among the children cough could not speak.

Clearly, Najib said, the paroxysmal stage these symptoms are severe. "So you can imagine if this happened whooping cough in infants. We pity because he will suffer all. Fact, a cough that's the strongest it could take up to 4 weeks."

In fact, at this stage may develop complications, such as bleeding arise in the nose / nosebleeds, coughing up blood caused by a strong cough that causes injury to the respiratory tract. Bleeding can also occur in both eyes, especially on the white of the eye. "Even bleeding in the brain was possible., And the consequences of bleeding in the brain can cause seizures or even cause a child paralyzed," said Najib.

Other complications, can also cause lung collapse, the lungs become inflated due to coughing too strong. Could happen anyway pneumonia or pneumonia.

In infants breathing disorder generally occurs because of the mucus. In addition, when the mucus into the ear can cause coughing.

While on convalescent stage / repair, cough began to diminish and the child's condition began to recover. Generally, each patient will go through three stages before. What is clear, whooping cough more often suffered by girls. This is presumably because the immune girls are more vulnerable than boys.


So, how the handling of patients with whooping cough this? Should immediately take the child to the doctor to prevent complications of all kinds. "Better treatment of whooping cough conducted at an early stage. Order to avoid possible complications caused. Moreover, to shorten the time of his illness," Najib anjur.

Usually at the beginning of the treatment given antibiotics to kill germs. In addition, said Najib, was also given drugs to suppress / reduce and stop coughing so young undisturbed. Also recommended for adequate rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat well. "There are also foods that should be avoided, such as the food that makes scratchy throat and cough inducing. Example ice, food or beverages icy-cold, deep-fried foods, sweets, and chocolate."

In infants, it is recommended to purge the upper airway. So sometimes needed physiotherapy to evaporation in the nose or aspirated with a vacuum to remove mucus, through the nose and mouth.

Whooping cough can be repeated, because the child's immune system is not as good as adults. But it certainly will not be as bad and as good as the first cough. "The possibility of recurrence is more common in children who did not receive immunization, malnutrition, lack hiegienis environment, and comes in contact with people who are sick with whooping cough," said Najib.


The best preventive measures to give children the DPT (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus). Immunizations are given at the age of 3, 4, and 5 months. Then repeated again as children from 1.5 to 2 years, and then at the age of 6 years.

However, please note, this immunization side effects causing high heat, about 38-39 degrees Celsius. So parents need to be extra careful taking care of the little guy.

In addition, other side effects of immunization is more often cause minor swelling at the injection site, red and pain. "As a result, children become fussy and insomnia, due to severe reactions from the vaccine. However, would have been much better given immunization, rather than exposed pertusion."

Because, almost seventy percent of children who did not receive DPT can be exposed to pertussis. When children get exposed to pertussis vaccination whooping cough will likely small because it is protected. "It is not one hundred percent protected, but if, after all, be exposed to light."

Generally, children who have a febrile seizure talent not given DPT vaccination, but DT alone. However, currently existing overseas acellular pertussis vaccine type. The vaccine is much lighter, almost did not cause a fever. "So, if want to give the DPT vaccine had seen her son. When the children had meningitis, febrile seizures, the vaccine should be careful. Because it can cause recurrent febrile seizures. So in DPT vaccine is not absolutely not be given, but seen first profit and loss for children, "said Najib.

Well, Mom and Dad are now more clearly what is best for the baby. So, is not it?
More aboutIf the child Prolonged Cough

Conquer Flu and cough soon!

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 20, 2013

Respiratory diseases, flu, and cough may suffer simultaneously. Yes, the flu is often accompanied by a cough due to cold germs can enter the respiratory tract and throat. Also varied the type of cough, sputum and phlegm can.

Although it has been long discovered and in the suffering of millions of people in the world, the flu is still a mysterious disease that comes and goes in a particular season. One is for sure, a disease caused by rhinovirus infection is indeed transmitted directly, could of spit while talking to the patient, sneezing, or coughing.

Cases of influenza virus infection is also frequently accompanied by cough (may cough up phlegm and phlegm), and burst at the turn of the season. In countries such as Indonesia two seasons, flu affects many people at the turn of the season, either from drought into rainy or otherwise. In the four seasons, flu often strikes in the winter and early summer.

After a successful entry into the patient's body, the flu virus infects the respiratory tract. Attack the flu virus causes nasal congestion, sore throat, and sneezing. Not infrequently also cause coughing, headache, and fever. Generally, symptoms of influenza is not a long walk, about a week only. However, in some people can last up to 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, when the body does not have enough stamina, flu and cough may linger. This means that the risk of secondary infections such as pneumonia, becomes larger. So as not to pose a greater risk, resolve colds and cough since the beginning of infection.

How to overcome Flu and Cough?

Enough Rest
If you're down with the flu and cough, you should consider your sleep patterns and portion. Encourage adequate rest 8 hours a day with a good quality. Do not forget to keep eating healthy foods to improve immunity.

Flu and Cough Medicines Right
When feeling symptoms of the flu and a cough that bothered, you can consume drugs appropriate symptoms are felt. Identify carefully the type flu and cough suffered, like the flu with a cough with phlegm or sputum. Treatment should adjust to the symptoms to heal faster. Drugs OTC (over the counter) such as flu and cough reliever, needed to relieve the flu and cough immediately. It also needed to improve the comfort, so they can rest and qualified enough. Break will make the body effectively establish immunity in the fight against germs.

Stay Active
Despite being stricken with the flu and cough, it does not mean you have to rest or do not move at all. Keep on the move but still keep the not too tired. Do not forget, flu and cough medicine proper, good for cold and cough with phlegm or sputum.

Enough Water Consumption
When suffering from a cough, do not forget to consume plenty of fluids, especially water. Cough is the body's mechanism to remove a foreign body in the respiratory tract will be helped with sufficient fluid intake. Water, in addition to beneficial care of your body, it also helps in removing the reflex airway foreign bodies, one of which the germs that cause colds and coughs.

Swine Flu alert
Some scientific literature mentions, influenza virus type A, B and C are often mutated so hard to find a cure. The third classification of influenza virus, type A virus (the cause of flu as well) most frequently mutated.

Adaptability of type A influenza viruses that causes infection increased capabilities. Influenza virus type A H1 N1 type then also infect animals such as pigs. These viruses infect and cause fatal effect on pigs to cause death.

However, in 2009 this happened uncommon in the development of the ability of this virus. The virus that was initially only transmitted between pigs and transmitted from pigs to humans. Symptoms shown also becoming rebuked. Some even reported to cause vomiting, diarrhea, to pneumonia and lung failure work.

As far as health care is done, a new provision of antivirals such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) to reduce the ferocity of this virus.
More aboutConquer Flu and cough soon!

Therapeutic Touch Overcome Cough Colds

Posted by Unknown on Friday, January 18, 2013

If new symptoms early, the child need not be taken to the doctor much less medication. With touch therapy, symptoms can be overcome.

Arguably, the common cold is a disease of infants and toddlers subscription. Typically, once the child shows flu-like symptoms such as sneezing, direct parents gave him drugs. In fact, there are immediately took him to the doctor. Alone, so that symptoms were not prolonged.

In fact, according to dr. H. Bambang Supriyatno, SpA, parents do not need to rush to bring the child to the doctor just because the new girl showed signs of the flu or a cold. "Moreover, to give antibiotic drugs whose effects are actually not good for kids, because it can cause the body become immune or resistant to these drugs," said the child lung specialist from Cipto Mangunkusumo this.

Actually, it's natural to experience children up to 5 or 6 times a year. Another thing, if the cough is more than that, "is not a reasonable means must be sought again and why be like that." Causes vary: it could because the child had asthma, allergies, 100-day cough, pneumonia or tuberculosis.


For mild colds alias fair, said Bambang, parents do not need to rush to bring the child to the doctor and to provide a variety of drugs. "If it was just the common cold and still in the early stages, we can, really, do self healing with therapeutic touch," said board Pediatric Association Indonesia Jaya (IDAI) this.

Moreover, each toddler definitely need the affection of a parent. "Most children sick because of factors that are less affection from parents to children. Conversely, parental affection has an important role in shaping the child's healing process." Did not the psychology of child development experts also said, every child needs to feel safe and comfortable to be able to defend itself in the face of adversity?

Now, with the touch therapy, the child will definitely feel the love channeled through gentle massage-massage. Until, he will feel more secure, convenient, tasty, and protected. "These factors are very helpful in healing," said Bambang at the Mother Baby and Toddler event, Tabloid Nakita cooperation with PT Endrass Prime Anteve aired on every Saturday, at 7:30.

In fact, with a touch therapy can reduce the use of drugs. This has been proven by research, lo. You see, the virus that causes the flu, including self limitting or disease can heal itself without the use of drugs. But the record, if its flu lightly. That's because, just by adequate rest and drink lots of water, it helps healing. Moreover, added a touch therapy.

I was so "great" her therapy, to the extent there is a pediatrician who was sick of a cold or flu, not to be cured if it has not touched her. "So, if one day the sick, he would come to her to ask for a massage. Though for her size, her massage was not too hard but it was not what she wanted, but a touch of affection from his parents. Evidently, shortly afterwards he usually recovered from his illness, "Bambang story about a friend.

USE liniment

So, said Bambang, psychological, therapeutic touch is very influential. But that does not mean just with a massage only, then the child immediately recovered from the symptoms of the disease. But also needed help to massage liniment. Liniment used must contain a vapor to be inhaled, such as balm or oil telon.

In the case of common cold, he said, the most common cause is a virus, which usually causes nasal congestion and mucus. Now, with the added liniment vapor can be inhaled, respiratory tract will loosen back up be relieved. Moreover, it also makes the skin so warm, so circulation was smooth again.

But remember, touch therapy done only in the early stages of disease. That is, only when a new baby started sneezing or before we deliver the drugs. However, if within two days there was no change, then it is recommended to see a doctor. Therapeutic touch is also not much help for severe illnesses such as cough cough 100 days or tuberculosis.


Given the touch therapy related to parental affection, the parents are the ones who should do this therapy. "It could also be someone else, but it would be better if the parents," said Bambang.

Like the breastfeeding, if the mother did not have time to breastfeed and squeezed milk fed to the baby by another person or caregiver, it would be different though equally given breast milk. However, it would be much nicer if the breast milk directly from the breast. Breastfeeding is not time critical moments for the mother and baby to establish emotional intimacy between them? Well, as well as touch therapy.


There are several types of touch therapy. There is a movement shaped like hearts, which starts from the bottom and scrubbed smeared drug extends upwards and sideways. There is also a form letter L, that is, from top to bottom. Both are effective.

For the common cold, which is the target of massage neck, back, and chest. Meanwhile, if there is interference in the stomach, may be done lightly massage-massage in the abdomen but no liniment evaporated. But, be careful because the skin on the baby's stomach walls are thin, the intestines are still closer together. If the massage is too hard, usually between gut rub against each other to cause blisters. It should be noted, do not get the ointment on the face, especially the eyes.


Therapeutic touch can also be to improve the BB, especially in premature infants. Hand and foot massage is a target area. Usually the fingers massaged. So the massage starts from the fingers, then the chest, back, and neck. Massage about 10 minutes long, repeated up to 5-6 times a day.

For infants born to normal, massage to increase BB can also be done. Only, his BB rise is not too meaningful.

In the case of the common cold, is primarily useful liniment loosen respiratory tract. But to raise the BB, not the cure, but his touch. The medicine is only for convenience, because if we have a massage without oil, would be more abrasive. Now, with the use of oil, will be more comfortable and convenient.

Do not Choose Medicine Rub One

In principle, all useable liniment. But for a more secure, suggestions Bambang, choose not irritating the skin or causing the child so sore, red, and broken. Especially in infants, their skin is very sensitive.

In addition, the drug must be scrubbed too soft, not sticky, and the like that can cause skin discomfort. Lastly, the warmth should be durable, because the warmth that is necessary to facilitate the circulation of blood. "Do not use a liniment warm at first but after it becomes cold. This is not good, the child may shiver," said Bambang

For infants recommended transfulmint liniment, while toddlers get the VapoRub. Though basically two types of liniment is no different. So, no problem too if you like to use VapoRub to babies or otherwise. Importantly, said Bambang, the child is not allergic to the ingredients contained in the liniment. How to use must also be considered, do not be directly applied in the nose.
More aboutTherapeutic Touch Overcome Cough Colds

Cough Colds Relapse Again

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cough and cold is a disease "subscription" the little guy. Just yesterday recovered, eh infected again a month later. No need to worry too much, toddlers exposed to cold cough 6 to 8 times per year or once every 2 months is considered normal. That is not normal when it's once a month especially if 1 month 2 times.

The frequency of cough and cold itself will generally decrease with increasing age of the child and the better the body's defense system. Of course this is the record, if the intake of good nutrition, enough rest time and the kids did not do excessive activity and body resistance stronger.

Cold itself is a symptom in the airways (respiratory), especially the upper airway. Broadly speaking there are two causes, namely infections and allergies.


* Cause: child attacked by microorganisms, such as bacteria, microbes or viruses. But the biggest cause is a virus.

* Characteristic: fever and body aches (toddlers can not usually reveal the symptoms of the latter).

* Range healing time: 2-3 days with a record of the child is given adequate nutrition, good rest and do a semi bedrest (no school, no play-once / activity is limited).

* Treatment: can actually heal itself. So it's the best treatment is to rest and drink plenty of plenty and of course to increase endurance child. Dr. Budi Darmawan Setyanto, Sp.A., of the Center for Childhood Asthma, Faculty of medicine-RSCM insisted the best cough and cold medicine is to "expel" the root cause not the symptoms.

So if your child exposed to strep throat so that must be cured not so inflammatory symptoms that follow, such as coughing, runny nose and more. In connection with that, Darmawan less agreed to grant such drugs cough suppressant (antitussive) or flu relief medication. "That is tantamount to expel 'god helper.' Do not forget the common cold is actually the body's mechanisms for issuing and securing the airway disease. Cough and cold so it was a 'good friend' people. Imagine if there was no cold cough it we will 'sink 'in their own slime. therefore reverse the treatments (only treat the symptoms and not the cause) is not effective. truth is to increase the child's immune system so it can repel germs, bacteria, viruses that enter the body! "


If your child cough and cold sustainable in the sense that more than 3 days have not healed likely pileknya coughing caused by allergies.

- Cause: excessive reaction in the airways (nose / throat) to the originator (see box).

COLOR snot

Apparently snot and phlegm color has its own meaning, namely:

* White or clear: indicates the onset of disease or exposure

* Murky yellowish brass: existing "battle" between the antibodies and disease.

* Green: sign of a cold cough will be cured. The green color shows in the mucus / sputum contained bacteria, microbes, viruses die.


Prolonged cold cough sometimes worried parents (especially who do not understand that most originators are allergic). They were finally doing doctor shopping (mutually doctor). After all, it is sometimes not the best solution. Especially when you visit the doctor even prescribe antibiotics. As said Darmawan "What happened above is a syndrome of bottled tea. Ads bottled tea it sounds, anything eating, drinking bottled tea. Similarly to the example above, any illness, the cure is antibiotics."

And to treat colds, no need to mutually doctor let alone taking antibiotics. The cure is easy anyway, that once again increase endurance by giving children a nutritious intake, drink and rest, and certainly avoid triggers.

VARIOUS trigger allergies

According Darmawan, trigger allergic divided into three, namely environmental, food, and other things. Here are some examples:

* Environment.

1. And house dust mites. Commonly found on fur rugs, fur dolls, curtains, stacks of newspapers / magazines / books.

2. Cotton on mattresses, pillows, bolsters, doll.

3. Smoke could be due to cigarette smoke, smoke from the kitchen, insect repellent, garbage, and motor vehicles.

4. Animal fur.

5. Home Remodeling; dust construction, cement, to other chemicals, such as paint.

* Food.

1. Food / beverage cooler.

2. Candy with all its variations.

3. Chocolate and all dairy

4. Various artificial flavoring ingredients.

5. Fried.

6. Beans with all processed.

* The other stuff:

1. Acute Respiratory Infections; flu / cold-fever.

2. Fatigue or stress both physically and psychologically.

3. Excessive physical activity like running, screaming, crying, laughing excessively.

4. Changes in season or transition.


* Typical colds allergies: cough "stubborn" / stubborn, arises repeatedly in a short span of time.

* Range healing time: more than two weeks.

* Treatment: originators avoid as much as possible the child will heal by itself. Even if 100% managed to avoid colds your child will not recur again.

* Note: It could be the first child is exposed to cold cough caused by infection (no virus / bacteria / microorganisms that enter into the body), but if not cured in 3 days it is the main source of allergies.


To be sure whether your child has an allergy talent, do a simple investigation by tracing the two families who of us who have a history of allergies. This means looking at the history of health including uncles, aunts, grandparents up. "If there is, chances are your child has an allergy it is true and it means a great risk as people with asthma," said Darmawan.

Characteristics of children with asthma are: shortness of breath / wheezing noises, nighttime cough that interferes with sleep when daylight "normal", sometimes accompanied by vomiting cough (especially among children), cough occurs after a tiring activity and symptoms can be improved without or with the drug. These symptoms are often mistaken for lung spots for X-rays often show picture spots on his lungs. In fact, it is clear Darmawan, X rays can not be trusted 100%. "TB in children can only be proved with the Mantoux test. Cough a lot of time with the children can not be equated with adults. In adults, long cough could be tuberculosis. But in children, is most likely allergic asthma cough alias."

The only effective asthma treatment is to control it. Do not forget, asthma is a disease with no cure. Even if there are only limited drug as a reliever and controller. Because of that, people with asthma should be done the right way of life, back on eating healthy foods, drink enough, regular exercise, and avoid triggers.
More aboutCough Colds Relapse Again

Choosing Cough Medicine for Children

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 14, 2013

Transition season can lead to the emergence of a variety of illnesses such as coughs and colds. Well, if your kids have the disease, parents should be able to recognize the symptoms of cough and choose the right cough medicine.

The body is already trying to adapt to changes in air temperatures. However, environmental factors such as weather and wind can still accelerate the spread of communicable diseases are triggered viruses and bacteria. So that accompanied the transition seasons and temperature changes such as this have to watch out for causing various diseases.

Some factors of global warming (global warming) in which the average temperature atmosphere, ocean, and land surface increases also affect the spread of the disease. This factor, according to CBSNews website, allowing disease-causing bacteria, viruses and fungi move into a new area that could harm the diverse species, including humans.

Types of Cough

One of the diseases that are familiar in the transition is cough and colds. Coughing is actually not necessarily an enemy because it is one of the body's defense mechanism. The air coming out due to coughing, for example, it will make everything in the airways inhibits flushed out. Especially foreign objects, liquids, or mucus, so the airways so clean.

Therefore, the coughing sometimes it is necessary to get rid of all that clog the airways. Cough newly classified dangerous objects that block the airway can not be removed through coughing mechanism.

But when a family member affected by cough, you should not be complacent. Instead, you should pay attention to the causes of cough and cough occurred in what circumstances. Because, in addition to regular cough that is still within the limits of tolerance, there is also a symptom of the disease cough. If the cough is very frequent, such as occurred during the night, this could be a symptom of cough illness that must be treated.

In addition, there is also a cough that is caused by abnormalities in the body. For example, cough due to allergic stimuli such as dust or dirty air, or because of odors that sting. Coughing may also occur due to abnormalities or diseases that occur in the respiratory tract. For example tuberculosis, airway constriction, or other lung disease.

In infants, the cough can be a symptom of allergy, milk allergy or dust either. Babies can also have a cough due to viral infection and the presence of backflow of gastric contents into the direction of the airway (gastroesophageal reflux). Such cough usually occurs in children who have digestive problems.

Choose the Right Drug

The various types of cough cough resulted handling should be tailored to the cause. Is it because of allergies, viral infections, or other physiological abnormalities? For first aid, drug-free is fine. However, if the child is coughing up phlegm, even just once, you should immediately bring the baby to the doctor to tell if there was just a common cold or allergic factors.

Equally important is to identify the type of cough, whether dry cough or cough with phlegm. By knowing the types of cough, we can buy cough medicines appropriately and consult with a pharmacist.

Note also the composition of cough medicine or cough medicine if it contains other components that can cope with diseases other than coughing. Because the current cough medicine is often combined with other drugs, such as antihistamines and analgesics.

Type of cough medicine on the market today is the antitussive (suppressing cough), expectorant (remove phlegm), and mucolytics (thin phlegm). Some of the substances that are normally found in cough medicines include antitussive to suppress coughing and decongestants (relieve the airway), thinning mucus, or a combination. Decongestants generally helps dilate the upper airway by reducing edema (swelling of the airways in the nose).

Well, you should be careful when using cough medicine containing mucus thinners. Especially for small children breathing muscles are still weak. Besides not good if used for too long, watery mucus instead will meet the airways so that the child is experiencing shortness of breath.

Therefore, before purchasing cough medicines in drugstores or pharmacies, choose the appropriate medication to the child experienced coughing. First, mention complaints with age. What also must be taken into account, whichever comes first, if the cough or thin the mucus. Sometimes, cough should not be suppressed it, because if pressed and the child is not coughing, the child might even claustrophobic because of mucus. Well, if the child was also recovered just after a week, you should immediately go to the doctor to look for the cause of the cough.
More aboutChoosing Cough Medicine for Children
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